Dylan the Dog

We have just brought home a very handsome (I am biased) 10 week old Springer Spaniel puppy who in time, will hopefully become a much loved member and resident of the Attic team.

I am not sure how useful Dylan is going to be on the temp desk, and his ability to assemble compelling shortlists is dubious but he has given me a fresh perspective on things.

We started Attic almost 14 years ago and have spent that time creating a recruitment business with established processes, excellent track record and solid history of working with great clients and candidates. However, getting a puppy has made me see things in a slightly different way.

To a puppy, everything is new and everything is fresh. Lay down good foundations now and if you do it right, you have a healthy, happy and well trained dog. It is exactly the same process with a business though over time, bad habits may begin to creep in. It started to make me question whether we have any bad habits at Attic which we have allowed to creep in? Are we the best we can be? What could we change to be even better?

Admittedly I don’t need to worry about my Converse being chewed or my hair brush going for a walk in the office which is a blessing but I do love the blank canvas I have with Dylan and how my actions will shape the dog that he becomes.

This bouncy pup reminds me that although we are well established, let’s all look at things with a fresh pair of eyes and see what we could do differently to develop the business further.

In a couple of weeks’ time, Dylan will be having his first official state visit to Attic and I have no doubt that he will wreak havoc. I like a bit of chaos though, it keeps us all on our toes…

Kirsty Miall, Director

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I have a huge amount of confidence in the team at Attic – they have taken a lot of time and trouble to understand the culture and nuances of our business and it shows. I will keep asking them to support us because I know they will deliver a great result – quickly and with style.

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