Our thoughts on how to nail an Interview

Never go to an interview without having done your research on the company and the job spec… DUH (!) but you know that. J
Here are a couple of points that we came up with that should help ease the stress of preparing for an interview.
- Knowing your CV inside out is a no brainer. If you don’t… I would be worried!
- Try and anticipate any questions that could be asked, maybe prepare some competency based questions (if you Google, there are hundreds)
- Think about your answers, maybe have a couple lined up so that you are not left thinking on the spot, profusely sweating, it’s never a good look.
- Fully understanding the role that you’re applying for is key, of course give us a call if you are unsure, but also identifying what skills, interests and experiences the employer is looking for will really help.
- Always (!) prepare questions to ask the interviewer.
- Research… look through the company website, social media profiles and key literature, this will really help gain the companies vibe and ethos.
- Depending on the industry it might be useful to work out some of the company’s competitors, it proves that you are interested in the positon and mean business.
A lot of it goes without saying, choose your outfit the night before, getting plenty of sleep, getting drunk the night before is a no go… plan your journey, print a map (smart phones are not always that reliable), aim to arrive at least ten minutes early – anything to help combat those nerves.
When you are leaving for the interview, make sure you are as organised as possible. Rushing is your enemy. Cool calm and collected is the way to approach it all. Take a deep breath and just remember the hard bit is out of the way, they like your CV now is your time to shine!
Best of luck
PS…Always stand up to shake someone’s hand and remember to look them in the eye, first impressions are everything.
Written by Daisy Fane – Attic Recruitment Permanent Consultant
I have a huge amount of confidence in the team at Attic – they have taken a lot of time and trouble to understand the culture and nuances of our business and it shows. I will keep asking them to support us because I know they will deliver a great result – quickly and with style.